Microsoft Security Essentials (32-Bit) 4.8
If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 8 and want a free antivirus program, then you may consider Microsoft Security Essentials. The program scans for different types of threats, including viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans and rootkits among others. Windows 8 has an enhanced security program built in, which is known as Windows Defender.
If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 8 and want a free antivirus program, then you may consider Microsoft Security Essentials. The program scans for different types of threats, including viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans and rootkits among others. Windows 8 has an enhanced security program built in, which is known as Windows Defender.
- Three scan modes
- Some advanced scan settings
- Automatic spyware and virus definitions
- Shell extension
- Scan scheduler
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